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Essays on Literature

Journey to Freedom

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and the American Civil War

An Equestrian Tragedy

The Image of the Horse and the Fall of Troy in Chaucer’s Triolus and Criseyde

Let Me Talk with this Philosopher

Edgar's Role in Shakespeare's King Lear

Discrimination's Double-edged Sword

Bigotry and exclusion in Douglas Turner Ward's Day of Absence.

John Donne's Metaphorical Voyage

The language of the poet of his age mirrors the language of the Age of Exploration.

T. S. Eliot Consults the Oracle:

The Sibyl and “The Waste Land”

Charting Terra Incognita

Maps, Guidebooks, and Guides in Heart of Darkness

Jonathan Swift's Satiric Backfire

Is "A Voyage to Laputa" really a progenitor to science fiction, or is it just a disgruntled, if pointed, rant?

The Ultimate Chicken

For a short time, sitting there on the stone steps overlooking the valley, I felt as if I were at once both chicken and egg.

Be a Poet!

Yes, now you, too, can be a poet with your very own Poetic License!


Samizdat—a curious looking and sounding word to speakers of English, perhaps because it is a Russian portmanteau word derived from “sam,” meaning “self” or “by oneself,” and “izdat,” meaning “publishing house.” The term thus means “self publish” or “self-published.” It also was popular within the first real inter-office data network: the photocopier tied to a fax machine.

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